Our mission is to be the premier employer of Professional Drivers who are academically sound in their approach to each delivery. We foster an environment where the driver develops into a LEADER at work and in the community. Our Drivers ‘Make the Honest Difference’ with each package they deliver.
Our Core Values are:
Determination, Authenticity, and Integrity
Our employees are Determined to understand the academics of the business and they understand that we live and work in a world of constant change and innovations. We stand ready and determined to learn and manage that change. DETERMINATION is the hallmark of learning and the foundation of our excellence.
Our employees are AUTHENTIC. We believe that example employees bring a unique and specific element to our company. We harness that uniqueness to reach shared goals because of complimentary skills. We are Authentic with our communication and our approach to problem solving. We live this value as we interact with each other and share best practices that make the delivery experience memorable beyond our employment.
We foster a culture of INTEGRITY because it is the foundation of our commitment to our customers. Our actions and behavior add value to the image and brand of our Company, our Amazon Partnership, clients and ourselves. We safeguard that reputation by our actions. Our employees are intentional about their actions and strive to present their BEST self and grow throughout that experience as LEADERS and contributors to society.