Property Damage
Homes, Mailbox, Lawns, Carports
- Get of a Safe Location.
- Complete the LOAD Incident Form ONLINE
- Submit Pictures of the Scene (**insert into the Incident Form)
- Submit Picture of the Damaged Property (**insert into the Incident Form)
- Submit Pictures of the Damage to our VAN (**insert into the Incident Form)
- Call the "800" Driver's support Line inside the device from the "help/?" Icon
- State that you are reporting damage of customer property
**The form allows access to the camera on the device. The driver can take pictures as they are completing the form
Animal Attack
Call 911 for Animal Control
- Get to a safe place
- Call an ambulance if you injured
- Write down the address and homeowners name from the package
- Submit the incident report
- Take Pictures (inside the form) of any body damage
- Contact 911 (let the officer know that you were attacked by an animal
- Take a Picture of the Animal
- Contact the LOAD Dispatch Line from the Device
- Complete the Company Incident from from the link below
Vehicle Stuck
"Don't get Towed, Stay on the Road"
- Check to make sure it is safe to exit the vehicle
- Complete the Company incident form below
- Add the Customer's Name and Address to the Form
- Take a wide-angle picture of the form
- Take a picture of the Van tires. (Step back so that we can assess the need)
- After we are recovered/moved back onto solid ground. Call the "800 / Help?" Icon inside the Flex App, report property damage
- If the LOAD Dispatch On Duty has not called you, then call to followup on the accident report